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πŸ“‹ Contribution guidelines

πŸ“œ Rules

We are happy and welcome if you want to contribute to Vuelto. But please consider a few details before continuing:

  1. Fork: Please before working, make sure you forked the repo and are working inside the fork
  2. Branch: Please before working in your own fork, make sure you are in the latest branch.
  3. Explain: Please explain why this should be considered and merged. That can increase he chance for us to merge and will safe the maintainers time.
  4. Test: Please test your code before even opening a new pull request. Make sure the CI doesnt fail.
  5. Documentation: Please, if your adding something new, like a feature, please document everything.
  6. Format: Please, run make format for formatting of the code. Without this we won't merge your code
  7. CI: We cannot merge if the CI fails. Incase that it fails, please fix your code or fix the CI (only incase of breaking changes or improvements).

⚠️ Not following these rules

If we see a pull request that doesn't follow these rules, we will tell you that, and close the pull request. We allow you to re-open a new pull request, but we expect you to have your code fixed. So make sure that you followed the rules from above.

πŸ”„ Pull Request

If you're ready with your changes, then you must follow a few steps before pull requesting. First, run our make command to format your code:

make format

Then make sure your pull request code works without erroring and you followed the contribution rules from above.

After all of this, you can create a pull request and one of the maintainers will take a look at it. Please have patience.